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Kahepäevane näitus / ruumiinstallatsioon ja artist talk

20.09.-21.09. 2022

Näitus on avatud 12-18

Artist talk:

T 20.09.2022 kl 16–18 K 21.09.2022 kl 16 –18

Eksperimentaalse, Disainiöö programmi sobitatud kahepäevase näituse võtab Kadri Mälk kokku kunstiteadlase Tiina Abeli parafraasiga oma isa tragikoomik Ervin Abeli ütlusest:

„Elada tuleb nii, et kui sa kokku kukud, siis kõik arvavad, et suurest õnnest.“

HOP galerii on sektoritena jaotatud vannitoaks, köögiks, kabinetiks, raamatukoguks ja esoteerikanurgaks. Väljas on ehted nii Kadri Mälgult endalt kui ka tema kogust. Mälk räägib galeriiruumis isikliku lühiloo õnnest tegelda taaskasutusega ning selle tagajärgedega. Vaataja leiab end elutoast, kus kohtuvad rohepöördekatsed ja sellega seonduv tragikoomika.

Näitus on osa Disainöö 2022 satellitprogrammist "Green Being: WTF?"

Näitust toetab Büroomaailm.

Näituseid HOP galeriis toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Eesti Kultuuriministeerium ja Liviko AS.


Two-day exhibition/spatial installation and artist talk

September 20–21, 2022

Exhibition is open from noon to 18:00

Artist talk:

Tuesday, Sept 20,16:00–18:00 Wednesday, Sept 21,16:00 –18:00

Kadri Mälk describes the two-day experimental exhibition that is also part of the VII Tallinn Design Festival with the paraphrase by art historian Tiina Abel, based on the saying by Abel's father, tragi-comedian Ervin Abel: "You have to live your life in a way that if you collapse then everyone believes it has happened due to the ultimate feeling of happiness."

HOP gallery is divided into sectors: the bathroom, the kitchen, the office, the library and the esoterics corner. Jewellery both from Kadri Mälk and from her private collection are exhibited. In the gallery, Mälk tells a personal short story about being happy to practice reuse and its consequences. The exhibition viewers find themselves in a living room where green transition and the related tragicomedy meet.

Exhibition is a part of the satellite programme "Green Being: WTF?" of the VII Tallinn Design Festival.

Exhibition is supported by Büroomaailm.

Exhibitions in HOP gallery are supported by the CUltural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Culture and Liviko AS.


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